Ch Pond Hollow Rio Grande

(Ch* Pond Hollow Ketch X Ch Pond Hollow Kennebec CD WD)




About "Rio":

RIO was very sound in conformation and movement. While she finished her Ch quickly, she never really liked shows. As a puppy she won 3 Puppy Stakes but a fracture of her hock on ice ended her field career. She was a character-loving but a character. Her most influential contribution is via her grandson Ch* Pond Hollow Bering Sea (from daughter Ch Pond Hollow Abilene). Her daughter Ch Pond Hollow Pistol Powder JH & granddaughter Ch Pond Hollow Singapore still live with us. Rio left us at age 15 yrs.


DYANE BALDWIN          4308 MANNSVILLE RD, NEWPORT PA 17074          717.582.4997          PONDHOLO@PA.NET
Web Design by BraveArts