Pond Hollow Chesapeakes
Breeding Goals
Established 1976
We have been involved with the breed since 1976. All of our dogs have been handled, trained and shown by ourselves. We do not employ professional handlers to compete with our dogs. We feel it is very important that we KNOW the dogs personally and their reactions in competition. I have trained and handled dogs to titles in obedience (UD level), hunt tests (SH level), & Best in Specialty Show/Group wins & placements. Our dogs have earned 240 AKC titles and in December 2004, our 100th champion finished. Currently there are 155 Ch; 4 FT (**);15MH; 28 SH & 64 JH, 1 MACH, I TCh titles earned- 267 titles all in AKC venues.
Our aim has always been toward an all-purpose dog; sound mentally & physically, good looking and with retrieving desire. The majority of our dogs are bred to be hunting companions, conformation competitors and selective breeding dogs. It nearly goes without saying that our dogs also make wonderful companions. To achieve this, all dogs retained in our breeding program must be superior in conformation, exhibit retrieving desire, and have a love of water with physical and mental soundness. Our dedication to this ideal has been responsible for the quality dog that the Pond Hollow name signifies. Each breeding is seriously planned with long-range goals in mind; we do not breed simply to produce pets -but certainly our puppies make fine companions. We feel it is important to carefully research pedigrees and to frequently use outside stud dogs for our females. We are interested in the best male to breed to, not the most convenient one or the big winning one. Sometimes the litters will be more focused on conformation or fieldwork but generally they are all-purpose breedings. They aredogs that can go out in the hunting field, compete in the conformation ring and sleep in your bed! It almost goes without saying that all dogs used for breeding must have OFA & CERF & PRA & EIC & DM clearances.
In addition to all the various AKC titles, our dogs have served as beloved pets, valued hunters (several with professional guides), pet therapy dogs, dock dog competitors, search/rescue dogs and drug/bomb detection dogs. They have been featured on PBS television, the OLN Channel & Animal Plant and in national sporting magazines. The Oct 04 issue of Chesapeake Bay Life magazine featured Pond Hollow Saber in an article inside. Sound, people oriented temperaments are the hallmark of our breeding program. Our dogs are well known world wide for their fine dispositions and all around abilities. We firmly believe that the dogs should not only look good but also still retain their retrieving instincts!