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Update 5/10/2011
New Master Hunter. Ch Pond Hollow Rappahannah CD MH. "Hannah" finished her title in April run by her trainer Bill Lamar. Owned by Jim Coulter(who also handled her to legs) and breeder Dyane Baldwin.

Pond Hollow Prairie Jewel Puppy Group 1 Owners; Skye & Aaron Kreger
Bogey's 59th Champion offspring ! Ch Rock Point Dancing With Myself finished in March 2011. Bred By Ellie Domek and owned by Ellie & JoAnn Colvin.
Pond Hollow Manhattan On The Rocks made her SH title on Feb 20, 2011 Way to Go Hattie !
Ch* Pond Hollow More Mischief finishes 2010 as the #1 CBR bitch and #4 Chesapeake overall.
Pond Hollow Special Delivery finishes her Ch title at Big Apple Sporting Dog with a BOB from the classes.
Pond Hollow Bryce Canyon goes Puppy Group 3 at Big Apple Sporting Dog.
Del Brave A Knight's Tale OFA prelims rated Good & Elbows Normal.
Pond Hollow Bryce Canyon wins Best in Sweeps at ACC SE in Virginia in January 2011 AND was Reserve Winners dog.
Pond Hollow Sea of Cortez - 4pt. major by going BOS/BW at Lehigh Valley KC 12/2010
Pond Hollow Bryce Canyon was BW/WD for a 4pt. at the NCCBRC Specialty Nov 2010. His first show and only 6 mos. old.
Since we did not update our old website after the 2009 ACC NSS, we are listing some info here on our success. We did not attend the 2010 NSS.
Winners Bitch-Pond Hollow Wicked Good
Best Veteran & Judges Award of Merit
Ch* Pond Hollow Bering Sea
Pond Hollow B Starry Eyed & Pond Hollow Wicked Good competing in the Winners Bitch class
Ch Pond Hollow Three Rvrs Royalt in Brood Bitch-she won 2nd place.