Ch Mitsu Kuma's Rum Bun CDX (pictured) 22.5" 65lbs. was the foundation bitch for Pond Hollow. Her sire was BIS Ch* Pond View Bolt CD WD (2nd CBR to win BIS) and her dam Eastern Waters Mitsu Kuma Cub CD. Rum was bred by Barbara & Sam Mullen-Mitsu Kuma. She was RWB at the 1976 ACC NSS under Anne Rodgers Clark.
After we purchased her son Saxon (Ch* Mitsu Kuma's Saxon Pond UD WD) as a puppy, Barbara offered us a co-ownership of Rum. Rum was nearly 4 when she made her home with us but she fit in quickly. She was a serious dog and proved to be an excellent obedience competitor. She earned placements in gaining both her CD & CDX titles. Around the house, she had one quark-she liked to "nip" you in the buttocks when you weren't looking. It was an invitation to play and it is a trait that has come down through her female descendants. Her great great great grand daughter Ch Pond Hollow Special Delivery is apt to do the same at times.
From her litter by Ch* Chesafords Chestnut Newfy TD co-bred with Barbara, we kept two puppies-Scout (Ch Mitsu Kuma's Swamp Scout CD WD) & Pistol (Ch Mitsu Kuma's Pond Mist CD JH WD). They along with Saxon formed the basis of all our breedings in the future. Rum died at 14 yrs of age.
The dogs pictured in the presentation of ancestors are not only dogs bred at Pond Hollow but other dogs we used in our breeding as well.
Dyane & Bill