Show Titles
Pond Hollow dogs are often shown by their owners and/or friends like Marie Stump & Patty Martin. Thanks so much ladies !
We had a very successful year with BOB at 2 ACC SE-NJ & IN; BW/WB at ACC SE OH; BOS ACC SE ME; BW/WD/RWB/BISSW NCCBRC Specialty! We did not attend the 2010 ACC NSS.
The most recent titles for 2010 are featured. However due to the website make over some from 2009 were not recognized. See them below in the slide show.
Feb 2011 Update

Ch Pond Hollow Special Delivery
(Ch Silvercreeks What I Like About You X Ch Pond Hollow Singapore).
Special finished with 4 majors and an ACC SE BW/WB. (Feb 2011)
2010 Show Titlists

Ch Pond Hollow B Starry Eyed
(Ch* Pond Hollow Casablanca WD X Ch Pond Hollow Three Rvrs RoyalT)
"Nova" finished her title with 3 majors and two BOB from the classes.
Owners: Marie Stump & Dyane Baldwin

Ch Pond Hollow B The Best
(Ch* Pond Hollow Casablanca WD X Ch Pond Hollow Three Rvrs RoyalT)
"Gabe" was handled to his title by his owner Patty Martin.

Ch Pond Hollow B Mine Again
(Ch* Pond Hollow Casablanca WD X Ch Pond Hollow Three Rvrs RoyalT)
"Vega" easily completed her title with 4 majors including a Best In Sweeps & BOS/WB at an ACC SE. She is Bogey's first frozen semen offspring to finish.
Owners: Dyane & Jennifer Baldwin

Ch Pond Hollow Brillant
(Redlions Notorious MH *** X Ch Pond Hollow Sequel)
"Brie" made her Ch with 4 majors and BOB wins from the classes.
Owner: Dyane Baldwin

Ch Pond Hollow Rocky Mtn Range Rider JH
(Ch Pond Hollow Continental Divide X Ch Pond Hollow Joyeaux Noel)
"Brady" was shown to this title by Marie Stump and won 2 BOB in making it.
Brady is owned by Rick Sprake.

Ch Treasure Lakes Ray's Red Hawk SH
(Ch* Pond Hollow Cuttyhunk X Ch Pond Hollow N TLC's Glacier Bay MH **)
"Red" was shown to her title by owners Kathy & Adele Heintel.
She was bred by Kathy Heintel & Dyane Baldwin

Ch Sanderson's Lil Miss Amazin SH
(Ch Safe Harbor's Treasure Lake Geo MH ** X Ch Pond Hollow N TLC's Glacier Bay MH **)
"Amazin" was bred by Kathy Heintel & Dyane Baldwin and is owned by Kathy. She also has 2 legs toward her MH title.

Ch Pond Hollow Wicked Good
Ch Anubis Treasured Bettis MH X Pond Hollow Lottawattah)
"Wicked" finished with all majors including WB 2009 ACC NSS & ACC SE BW/WB.
She is bred & owned by Dyane Baldwin
Ch Cal I Co Tuckerman At Pond Hollow
(Ch Pond Hollow Continental Divide X Ch* Cal I Co Hollyberry)
"Tucker" finished with 4 majors including a Best in Sweeps/WD at an ACC SE.
Tucker was bred by Jim & Jo Ann Colvin. He is owned by Melanie Ramsden & Dyane Baldwin/shown by Dyane.
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