CH* Pond Hollow Bering Sea
Feb 23, 1999- May 24, 2010
(Ch Red Lion's Big Business JH X Ch Pond Hollow Abilene)

We lost the "Bear" to bloat suddenly-he died of cardiac arrest during surgery. Except for a bout 6 yrs. ago with Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever, he enjoyed exceptional good health. Spent his final day as he always met life-with enthusiasm and eagerness. The world was his oyster. He met no strangers. I never had and expect to have again such a joyous dog.
He was a goodwill ambassador for the breed here and abroad. Loved retrieving and birds but we loved him too much to part with him for the formal titles. They meant little to us anyway-we knew his talent. His movement and conformation were outstanding-never as "big" a dog as his critics whispered (25" 90lbs.). He loved dog shows and showing-the consummate show dog (and shop lifting toys from the stands). He had a passport. He went to Crufts (first US Ch to go) and enjoyed the crowds at the bench.
We were privileged to share 11 yrs. with him and he will live forever in our memories and in his offspring. He left a legacy and a million "stories". It was too soon Bery-much too soon.