Ch* Mitsu Kuma's Saxon Pond UD WD
(Ch Mitsu Kuma's Ike of D-Day X Ch Mitsu Kuma's Rum Bun CDX)
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About "Saxon":
We bought him to replace our first Chesapeake who was killed. We had no intentions of showing. His parents were WD at a NSS & RWB at a NSS. He was my first show dog and a show dog he was. Saxon loved the show ring-as a puppy he won a Best In Match. He also won several ACC supported entries and got a group placing in the days when that was rare for a Chesapeake.
In personality, he was an outgoing and confident dog who loved to "talk"-he wooed. He loved to retrieve-once spent 3 hours retrieving sticks for kids on a vacation in Maine. He had a brilliant obedience record. He finished all three titles with placements including firsts in each level too (2 in Open & 2 in Utility). He had a weakness for white miniature poodles on the sits and downs. In 1983 he won the Ch Jodri-Nugget-Blaze UD Memorial Trophy.
He had two UD daughters and 9 Ch titled offspring. I never kept any offspring of his-never seemed to turn out. His most influential offspring was Ch Bayberry Rip Van Winkle. In 1992 his great great grandson was born-BISS Ch* Pond Hollow Casablanca WD. "Bear" died at 13 yrs. old.