CH Pond Hollow Three Rivers Royalty
January 17, 2002-December 4, 2015
"And ever has it been that love knows not its own depths until the hour of separation"Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet.
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About "Keen":
She was a "young" nearly 14; loved bananas; sister to "Cutter"; grass grazer extraordinary-I could go on. 2 wks ago she took the long woods walk sniffing all the wonderful Fall 2015 scents. I played with her great great grand kids in the fading sunlight the day she died.
She lived a good long life and we loved her dearly.
If you find her in the pedigree of your dog, consider yourself lucky to a small share of her wonderful genes.
KEEN was a stunningly beautiful solid deadgrass bitch. She came back to us at 3 yrs old after foolishly selling her as a pup. We are so very grateful that she did.! Her Ch title was easily earned. She was BOB at the American Chesapeake supported show, Detroit KC, March 2007. Built to the standard with sloping shoulders, short loin, well-bent stifle, coat and balance, she moved as well as she stood. A very athletic dog with intensity for retrieving and energy to do a day's work in the field. She was highly trainable, so easy to work with and just nice - easy to live with. Her sire is Ch/MH who lacked but an all breed win for Dual; her dam was a gorgeous deadgrass bitch. Keen comes from a litter of outstanding dogs.- .. Ch* Pond Hollow Cuttyhunk, Ch Pond Hollow Margarita Rocks JH, Ch Pond Hollow Mozambique JH, Ch Pond Hollow Wake Up Lil Suzie JH, Pond Hollow Gunpowder Shores SH** (with MH legs), Pond Hollow Frosted Mist JH, Pond Hollow Burning Desire CD (Dog World award) and Pond Hollow Ripken's Streak (ptd)
Like her dam she is proved to be an excellent brood bitch. In 2010 she was #1 Brood Bitch in conformation titled offspring. Pups from her first litter include four that are Ch titled; Best Puppy in Sweepstakes ACC National show; Best in Sweepstakes ACC Supported show; all are wonderful companions. From her last litter, 3 have made their Ch. Again, they are also marvelous household members and hunters.
Her Offspring:
Ch Pond Hollow Continental Divide-#1 sire 2012
Ch Pond Hollow Icy Strait JH- Best in Sweeps 2007 NSS
Ch Pond Hollow Daphne Duck
Ch Pond Hollow Sugarcreek Bayli
Ch Pond Hollow B Mine Again
Ch Pond Hollow B Starry Eyed-dam of the youngest CH/MH in breed history/Top Derby Dog 2012
Ch Pond Hollow B The Best
Pond Hollow Top Gun At Chesnak CDX BN GN RN