Ch Pond Hollow Pistol Powder JH
OFA 5980G; CERF 3353/04-84*; PRA DNA A; EIC26-N
3/27/1997 to 3/22/2013
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About "Powder":
We miss you "Miss Pippy" but will see you again across the Rainbow Bridge. I will always remember the day at the field trainer's when instead of taking the line through the corner of the cover, you keep shaking your head to get the ecollar off and did it your way anyway ! When you were up, people would sit up and take notice. I am glad I was by your side when you made your JH title.
POWDER was 21.5" 63 lbs. and dark brown. She was beautifully built-well laid back shoulders and bent stifles and outstanding in movement. She easily made her Ch title with 4 majors including a 5 pt. win over 50 other females at the ACC supported at the Wilmington KC. She completed her JH title in 5 straight tests with accurate marking ability. At home she was always walking around with something in her mouth! She did not like to have her photo taken (keeping still and just watching toys thrown that you can't get-boring) so pictures do not do her justice. Until her death at 1 week shy of 16, she enjoyed going on the woodland run and walking in the stream. Even in advanced age, she could beat you across the yard if you wanted to put her in a kennel run. She spent her final years as "queen" of the kitchen ever on the watch for dog biscuits or other goodies !
Powder had 7 champion offspring and 3 that have hunt titles, including an SH. Her sire is #2 sire all-time and was a group/specialty winner. Her dam showed a lot of promise in the field (won several puppy stakes) but an injury ended her career. Powder's ½ sister Ch Pond Hollow Abilene is the dam of the #4 stud dog all-time. Her granddaughter Special continues her forward as does great-granddaughter Minto.
Her Offspring:
Ch Pond Hollow Caitlyn JH
Ch Pond Hollow Singapore
Ch Pond Hollow Sylvia James
Ch Pond Hollow Joyeaux Noel
Ch Pond Hollow Rafe On The Run JH
Ch Pond Hollow Cypress Beachey Babe
Ch Pond Hollow Time N Again
Pond Hollow Medina SH