MACH/Ch Pond Hollow Deck The Halls JH MX MXJ
OFA8628G; EL1128F24; CERF 5549/11-72*;
PRA Normal by pedigree; EIC71-N
DOB 12/19/2004
Pictures: (click to view)
- Body in Profile
- Snow Fun
- Agility
About "Holly":
HOLLY started off her show career with a splash! In her first two shows, she won back to back majors at 7 mos. One of the shows was an ACC supported entry with over 35 females in competition. She has also won 2 Best of Breeds and 1st in the 9-12 mos. class of 16 at the 2005 ACC National. She had BOS sweepstakes at the KC of Philadelphia show to her record. She has a tight crisp waved coat, with a look at me attitude and sound movement.
Holly is co-owned with Karen Shaffer. She reports that Holly loves to swim and is mad for birds and bumpers! Karen started Holly on her Agility work in January 07 and by Oct 09 she made her MACH. . Did she perform!!! - 11 First Places (with at least one in all title levels); 3 second places; 3 Third places; 1 Fourth place. She is NOW only the 8th CBR to achieve this title ! She has qualified for the AKC Agility Invitational-2009 & 2010. She was the #4 Agility CBR too.
Her offspring share her trainability and good looks. 3 are Ch titled-one has a group placement; another earned her SH and has one leg on MH title. A daughter from her second litter is major ptd. and has won a specialty sweepstakes all under 9 mos. All have super temperaments.
Her Offspring:
Ch * Pond Hollow Sandpiper Mystic
Ch Pond Hollow Secret Canyon
Ch Pond Hollow American Girl NA
Pond Hollow Tue Marshes Riley SH