Silver GCh Pond Hollow Special Delivery
OFA 9765E-VPI EL 1834-N; Cardiac CA96-N;
CERF 14/65*; PRA Carrier; DM474-N; EIC 73-N; ED/SF Normal
DOB 02/23/2009
Pictures: (click to view)
- Show Photo 1
- Show Photo 2
- Show Photo 3
- Winter Time
- Snorkling
- Show Photo 4
- In The Field
About "Special":
Named so for the AI breeding and C-section that brought her into the world, She is SPECIAL. WOW is an apt description-head, coat, conformation, movement-it is all there. Her show career includes 4 majors as well as an ACC Supported entry BW/WB. She is her dam "Raffles" all over again in personality. Her sire was WD at the 2008 ACC NSS. She is co-owned with Linda Cayton of Denver CO and lives in retirement with Diane Adams in Canada. Special added her Canadian WC is 2016. #1 Dam in the breed 2015 nationwide.
Her show career at the end of 2012 shows: #1 CBR 2012 in breed pts.; BOS 2012 ACC NSS; 7 Group placements. In 2013 she was BOB at the Westminster KC show under breeder judge Paul Campanella.
Her Offspring:
- Ch Susqudilla Special Edition From Pond Hollow
- Ch Pond Hollow Special Order
- Ch Pond Hollow Third Times The Charm
- Can Ch Pond Hollow Waterfowl La Rumeur Court SH
- Ch Pond Hollow Raucous Bacchus
- Ch Pond Hollow A Special Deacon SH