Pond Hollow Learnin To Fly

OFA CB 9929 Excellent, EL 1936/Normal
EYES 430/16-86*; EDSF24-Normal; PRA Normal by Pedigree
DM 527-N; EIC Normal by Pedigree; Cardiac CA121/Normal

22" 60 lbs.
DOB 05/27 /2009



Pictures:     (click to view)

  • As a Puppy
  • Head Shot
  • Body Shot

[ Pedigree ]

About "Tess":

TESS is co-owned & lives with Nancy Miller. Nancy reports "She is the funniest dog-always doing something to make me laugh. She will try anything-she plays a piano! Loves to retrieve anything I throw and playing keep away with Carrie and Nash." She is in training for agility and obedience with Nancy. Tess is a short harsh coated girl with good angles, pleasing head and sound movement. Her parents are both Ch/MH titled dogs-her sire even a multiple group placer - and her sister "Cricket" has a MH title along with 2 all-breed Qual JAM. Retired she rules the roost at home keeping Bryce and Katie in their places.

Her Offspring:

Pond Hollow Flying Prairie Sage Hen WR SH
Pond Hollow Flying Rory SH

DYANE BALDWIN          4308 MANNSVILLE RD, NEWPORT PA 17074          717.319.8749          PONDHOLO@PA.NET
Web Design by BraveArts